Sunday, October 16, 2011

They Tweeted What?

To ease myself back into the blogging world, I am going to start off simple and share my favourite tweets of the past week-ish.

This Rainn Wilson tweet is particularly significant because I was listening to an old Doug Loves Movies podcast where Doug made a very similar joke.  Made me wonder how original Rainn's tweet was....

Follow Lord Voldemort.  Seriously, it'll be the greatest thing you do today.

This woman is the shit. Can't wait for her HBO show

 Chris Pratt seems like he's just like the lovable goof Andy he plays in Parks and Rec

Chris O'Dowd is all famous in Hollywood and stuff now.  Still funny as fuck.

Made me think of this Family Guy clip, oddly enough

This Bad Muthafucker joined Twitter this week.  I was deliriously happy.

Benson making a fool of the self-righteous pricks on Twitter, love!

<3 this woman

 Paul Scheer is a must for your following list.